Practicing What We Preach
It’s one thing to say that we believe ADR should be efficient, effective and affordable. It’s quite another thing to be able to pull it off. Here’s how we do it:
- We begin our work in earnest, well in advance of the mediation session.
- We require an expression of serious, good faith commitment to exploring settlement options.
- We recommend that pre-mediation submissions be exchanged between the parties.
- We encourage parties to negotiate directly with each other in advance of and during the mediation session.
- We promote the exchange of bona fide settlement offers prior to the mediation session.
- We spend quality time conferring with counsel and/or the parties, preparing them for the mediation session.
- The mediation session can then begin by building on well-understood goals and ensuring that the parties and counsel have thought through their individual situation and options.
- Our process includes set mediation session times gauged to the complexity of the case and the dollar amount involved.
- The standard time devoted to a mediation, including mediator preparation time, will likely be between six and eight hours. it may be more or less, but in any case, the time will be agreed upon by the neutrals and parties involved.
Click here for information about the 4th Judicial District Flat Fee Pilot Program
- We charge a flat fee $2,000 ($1,000 per party) for any case involving two parties and up to $350,000 in controversy. (Call us about larger or small matters — or if you have a case that is unique.) Our flat fee includes preparation and arbitration/mediation session time for a half-day of mediation That’s a substantially lower cost than the rates typically charged by mediators and arbitrators.
- Any additional time charges will be agreed upon beforehand by the neutral and parties involved.
- We require deposits in advance of our work on a case, but will refund any unearned amount if the case settles prior to the mediation session or we receive reasonable cancellation notice per our standard case agreement cancellation terms.
- Unlike most ADR providers, we do not charge any case service fees or administrative fees.
- Charges for expenses and travel time outside the Minneapolis-St. Paul metro area will be arranged and reasonable.
- We’re willing to hold mediations and arbitration hearings during early morning hours, evenings or weekends at no additional charge.
- We can conduct online, video conference or phone conference sessions that can save parties’ time and money.
- Each of the panel members in our group has been significantly involved in the fields of law and ADR for years as advocates, neutrals, law professors and scholars. See Who We Are for our résumés.
- If your case seems too big or too small for our model, we’ll work with you. We want to help resolve any dispute.
- We know how to add value and maintain lower costs.
- We’re committed to providing outstanding service to the legal community.