Linda M. Mealey-Lohmann
Mediator, Arbitrator, Lawyer, Former Adjunct Professor of ADR
Attorney LINDA MEALEY-LOHMANN practices exclusively in the area of ADR — as a mediator and arbitrator, handling primarily employment law and workplace disputes, and commercial and business disputes. Linda was recognized as a “Minnesota Super Lawyer” in 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, and 2015 and was selected as one of the 2015 Women in Business honorees by the Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal. Linda has extensive ADR experience and litigation experience. She has mediated over 400 disputes, including employment discrimination matters, commercial matters, breach of contract, construction, home improvement, and other business disputes. She has more than 200 hours of arbitration experience.
Prior to her work as an ADR Neutral, Linda was an employment law litigator who counseled and represented clients in litigation (state and federal court), arbitration, and mediation (beginning in 1991).
Linda is a coauthor of the seminal ADR book, The Minnesota ADR Handbook: A Guide to Mediation, Arbitration, and Other Processes for Advocates and Neutrals (MN CLE 2011). She was an Adjunct Professor at William Mitchell College of Law, teaching ADR (negotiation, mediation, arbitration, and other Rule 114 ADR processes) for more than ten years (2006 to 2015, 2017-2018). Linda was Chair of the ADR Section of the MSBA for two terms (2013-2015). She is a member of the National Academy of Distinguished Neutrals (since 2013). Linda is a frequent presenter for Minnesota CLE and has written and presented extensively on ADR, mediation, and employment law topics since 1995.
Early in her career as an employment law litigator, she recognized the financial and emotional toll that litigation places on litigants and concluded that there must be a more effective way to help parties resolve disputes. Linda then shifted her litigation practice to ADR – “appropriate” dispute resolution. She has developed a unique approach to mediation, based on her training and education in various mediation approaches and works with the parties and attorneys to tailor each mediation to fit the parties’ needs. She helps parties understand their own personal, economic, and business interests, and helps them think creatively about solutions that may satisfy those interests better than litigation.
Linda is a member of several mediation panels – a contract mediator for the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Mediation Program and for the U.S. Postal Service REDRESSâ Transformative Mediation Program, the American Arbitration Association’s Employment Mediation panel and Commercial Mediation panel, and a volunteer mediator for several Minnesota agencies and courts, as well as the Better Business Bureau.
Linda is also a member of several arbitration panels, including the AAA-American Arbitration Association, Commercial panel and Employment panel, and the BBB-Better Business Bureau Autoline Lemon Law panel (2008 to 2019), and sits as an Administrative Hearing Officer for several municipalities.
Linda also has significant cross-cultural experience. She is fluent in Mandarin Chinese and has lived in and traveled to China 22 times in the last 30 years. Linda has extensive knowledge of Chinese language, culture, business practices, and style of communication. She is active in the local Chinese community and sits on the boards of two China-related non-profit organizations. Linda previously studied Spanish for several years and lived in Peru. Linda also teaches cross-cultural communication and the impact of culture on ADR processes. This experience and knowledge help Linda work effectively with parties of varying ethnic backgrounds.
- J.D., cum laude, University of Minnesota Law School, 1990
- Note & Comment Editor (1989-1990), Staff Member (1988-1989) Minnesota Law Review
- M.A., Chinese Language and Literature, University of Minnesota
- B.A., East Asian Studies, University of Minnesota
- Mandarin Chinese, Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan
- Mealey-Lohmann Mediation & Dispute Resolution, 2004 to present
- Adjunct Professor, William Mitchell College of Law, ADR and Mediation courses, 2005 to 2014, 2017-18
- Contract mediator for the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 2004 to present
- Contract mediator for U.S. Postal Service REDRESS Transformative Mediation Program, 2007 to present
- Administrative Hearing Office, City of Woodbury, MN, 1999 to present
- Dorsey & Whitney LLP, Employment Law Litigator, Minneapolis, MN 1995-1998
- O’Melveny & Myers, Labor & Employment Law Litigator, Los Angeles, CA, 1991-1995
- United States District Court, Central District of California – Judicial Law Clerk, 1990-1991
- Alternative Dispute Resolution – Qualified Neutral under Rule 114 of the Minnesota General Rules of Practice for Civil Adjudicative/ Evaluative and Civil Facilitative/Hybrid processes. Experienced mediator, arbitrator, and ADR trainer, who has conducted mediations for over 350 disputes for a wide variety of matters, including employment law and commercial matters; co-Author of The Minnesota ADR Handbook: A Guide to Mediation, Arbitration, and Other Processes for Advocates and Neutrals (MN CLE 2011); Adjunct Professor of Rule 114 ADR course at William Mitchell College of Law; contract mediator for the EEOC and the U.S. Postal Service; volunteer mediator on five mediation panels; AAA and BBB arbitrator; frequent MN CLE presenter of ADR topics.
- Litigation – Experience as a trial attorney with proficiency in litigation of employment law and discrimination disputes. Has represented clients in mediations and arbitrations as an advocate.
- Cross-Cultural Competency – Fluent speaker of Mandarin Chinese; extensive knowledge of China and Chinese language, culture, business practices, and style of communication. Taught courses on cross-cultural communication and the impact of culture on ADR processes. Extensive experience working with ethnically-diverse communities/individuals, including Chinese, Hmong, Somali, Hispanic, and others. Has familiarity with Spanish language.
- Mediation – Qualified Rule 114 Mediator; Contract Mediator for Equal Employment Opportunity Commission; Contract Mediator for the U.S. Postal Service; Volunteer Mediator for the State of Minnesota Department of Human Rights, the City of Minneapolis Civil Rights Department, the Better Business Bureau, the St. Paul Dispute Resolution Center, and the Washington and Ramsey County Conciliation Courts.
- Arbitration Experience – Qualified Rule 114 Arbitrator; AAA-American Arbitration Association, Commercial panel and Employment panel, and the BBB-Better Business Bureau Autoline Lemon Law panel; and Hearing Officer since 1999.
- Teaching of Mediation and Other ADR Processes – Taught the MN Rule 114 ADR course, the Advanced Mediation Skills Externship, and the Legal Writing Skills courses at William Mitchell College of Law; frequent MN CLE presenter of ADR and employment law topics
- Legal Experience – Litigation and advice representation for large employers in employment and labor law disputes; Trial experience as Visiting City Attorney for the City of Minneapolis; Employment Law, Labor Law, Contract Law, Arbitration Law, Mediation law, International Law
- China and Chinese Language – Fluent in Mandarin Chinese (Master’s Degree) and has lived and traveled extensively in China for more than 30 years.
- Attended more than 900 hours of ADR and employment-law related CLEs (2002 to present)
- “Online Dispute Resolution: The Future is Now,” March 2020
- ADR Institute, MN CLE, October 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016
- ABA Dispute Resolution Spring Conference, April 2019
- “Prayer Rooms, High Holidays, and Beards, Oh My! Religion in the Workplace and the Case for Mediation,” MSBA ADR Section CLE, May 2019
- “Beyond Implicit Bias: How to Facilitate Cross-Racial Dialogues and Unleash the Power of Inclusion,” May 2018
- Upper Midwest Employment Law Institute, May 2017
- American Arbitration Association: “Principled Deliberations: Decision-Making Skills for Arbitrators,” May 2014
- “Arbitration Fundamentals and Best Practices” training (13 hours), American Arbitration Association (2013)
- “BBB Auto-line Arbitration” training, Better Business Bureau (2012)
- Circle Keeper Training (14 hours), St. Croix Valley Restorative Justice, July 2010
- Labor Law & Labor Arbitration Training (7 hours), Labor Arbitration Institute, September 2008
- Certified Civil Arbitrator Skills Training (6 hours), MSBA, December 2007
- REDRESS Transformative Mediation Training (20 hours), U.S. Postal Service, September 2007
- Advanced Civil Mediation Skills Training (6 hours), MN CLE, December 2006
- Rule 114 ADR Training (30 hours), Hamline University School of Law, Dispute Resolution Institute, January 2004
- Selected as MN Super Lawyer in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020
- Recipient of 2015 Women in Business Award (among 51 honorees) by the Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal
- Recognized for her pro bono ADR work in the ABA Section of Dispute Resolution’s Just Resolutions eNewsletter (page 3, 2013)
- Member of the National Academy of Distinguished Neutrals (2013 to present)
- Recipient of the Alumni of Notable Achievement Award, College of Liberal Arts, University of Minnesota (2010)
- Recipient of the Martin Blum Community Mediation Award, Dispute Resolution Center, St. Paul, MN (2008)
- The Minnesota ADR Handbook : A Guide to Mediation, Arbitration, and Other Processes for Advocates and Neutrals, with co-authors Weissman & Sinner McEvoy (2011 MN CLE)
- Legal Quick Sheet – Preparing for Mediation: 5 Checklists for Attorneys and Mediators, MN CLE 2016
- Legal Quick Sheet – Tips for Convening and Closing Mediations, MN CLE 2015
- Legal Quick Sheet – Mediation Confidentiality, MN CLE 2015
- Co-author of “Pockets of Innovation in Minnesota’s Alternative Dispute Resolution Journey,” 33 Mitchell L. Rev. 441 (2006)
- “Mediation Ethics: Caucus Conundrums,” MN CLE ADR Institute (October 2019)
- “Certified Civil Arbitration Skills Training,” Planner and Co-presenter, MN CLE (November 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017)
- “Best Practices for Conducting Arbitrations: Creative Approaches to Conducting the Hearing,” MN CLE (August 2019)
- “Best Practices for Advocates in Arbitrations: Effective Arbitration Advocacy at the Hearing,” MN CLE (August 2019)
- “Mediation Ethics: Caucus Conundrums,” ABA DR Section Annual Conference (April 2019)
- “How to Successfully Mediate Employment Cases,” MN CLE Webcast (February 2018)
- “How Corporate Counsel can Make the Most out of Alternative Dispute Resolution,” with co-presenter Erin Oglesbay, MN CLE Dispute Resolution for In-House Counsel (December 2017)
- “Suggestions from the Mediators-Making Mediation More Successful for You and Your Clients,” with co-presenter Ellen Sampson and moderator Robert Reinhart, MN CLE Upper Midwest Employment Law Institute (May 2017)
- “Mediation Preparation for Attorneys & Mediators,” with co-presenter Toni Newborn, MN CLE ADR Institute (October 2016) and MN CLE Webcast (July 2017)
- “Mediation Ethics & Confidentiality,” with co-presenter Leslie Sinner McEvoy, CMRS Mediation Training (October 2016)
- “Innovative Techniques in Arbitration,” panelist, MN CLE (July 2016)
- “Effective Arbitration Advocacy for the Hearing: Arbitrators Share What Works and What Doesn’t,” panelist, MN CLE (July 2016)
- “The Complete Lawyer: ADR Essentials,” with co-presenter Leslie Sinner McEvoy, MN CLE Webcast (July 2016)
- “How to Manage Client Expectations in your next Employment Law Mediation – For Attorneys and Mediators,” MSBA ADR and Employment Law Sections, moderator (April 2016)
- “Eight Ways to Make the Most of Arbitration,” panelist, MN CLE webcast (February 2016)
- “Tips for Convening and Closing Mediations,” MN CLE ADR Institute (October 2015)
- “Mediation Ethics: Confidentiality in MN,” with co-presenter Leslie Sinner McEvoy, Community Mediation & Restorative Services CLE (May 2015)
- “An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure: 10 Tips for Resolving Workplace Disputes,” with co-presenter Madge Thorsen, MN CLE Upper Midwest Employment Law Institute (May 2015)
- “Ten Ways Corporate Counsel can Make the Most of Arbitration,” Panelist, MSBA Corporate Counsel Section CLE (April 2015)
- “Using Mediation to Manage & Resolve Homeowner Conflicts,” Community Associations Institute Trade Show (February 2015)
- “Rule 114 Ethical Dilemmas for Community Mediators,” Dispute Resolution Center (December 2014)
- “Conflict Resolution Skills for HR Professionals,” HRx Mastery Seminar (November 2014)
- “Ethical Dilemmas for Mediators: What Would You Do?” Moderator, MN CLE ADR Institute (October 2014)
- “Mediation is Confidential, Right?” MN CLE Webcast, with co-presenter Leslie Sinner McEvoy (October 2014)
- “Mediation as an Alternative to Litigation in Hennepin County,” with co-presenters Hon. Ned Wahl and Hon. Mickey Greenburg (ret.), HCBA CLE (May 2014)
- “Mediation is Confidential, Right?” MN CLE Employment Law Institute, with co-presenter Leslie Sinner McEvoy (May 2014)
- “How to be Effective in Mediation: Mediators’ Perspectives,” MN CLE’s MN State District Court Civil Practice Deskbook CLE, with co-presenter Hon. J. Gilbert (ret.) (April 2014)
- “Minnesota Law: Mediation Rules of the Road,” U St. Thomas, Justice & Peace Studies Dept, class, guest speaker (January 2014)
- “ADR Online: Building Better Websites for ADR Professionals,” panel member, MN CLE 2013 ADR Institute, October 25, 2013
- “Managing Emotions in Employment Law Mediations,” with co-presenter Becky Omdahl, MN CLE Employment Law Series webcast (October 21, 2013)
- “Mediating in a Diverse Workplace,” with co-presenter Leslie Sinner McEvoy, Association for Conflict Resolution National Conference (October 10, 2013)
- “Efficient, Effective and Affordable Commercial ADR (Really!),” with co-presenter Patrick Burns, Association for Conflict Resolution National Conference (October 9, 2013)
- “ADR Processes in MN: Making the Most of our Smorgasbord of Options,” with co-presenter Leslie Sinner McEvoy, MSBA ADR Section CLE (October 8, 2013)
- Arbitration: Hot Topics & Practice Tips for Advocates and Arbitrators,” MNCLE & MSBA Annual ADR Institute (October 2012)
- “New Lawyer Series: Civil Mediation Advocacy,” MN CLE Webcast (May 2012)
- “Employment Law Series: Effective Advocacy in Mediation and Arbitration-Diverging Paths,” MN CLE Webcast (October 2011)
- “Top Ten Mistakes You Don’t Want to Make in ADR,” MN CLE ADR Institute (October 2011)
- “Employment Law Series: Effective Advocacy in Mediation and Arbitration-Diverging Paths,” MN CLE Webcast (October 2011)
- “The Neutral’s Perspective: The MN ADR Handbook,” Conflict Resolution Minnesota Annual Meeting, June 2011
- “How to Think Outside of the Box When Resolving Your Next Employment Law Dispute,” MN CLE Upper Midwest Employment Law Institute, May 2011
- “Ten Key Takeaways for Mediators and Advocates from the MN ADR Handbook,” MN CLE, April 2011
- Moderator for “Keep your ‘In-Fighting’ In-House, Designing Workplace Dispute Resolution Processes,” MSBA ADR CLE, February 2011
- “Mediating Discrimination Claims with the Four Public Agencies,” 27th Annual Human Rights conference, December 2010
- Past Chair of the ADR Section of the Minnesota State Bar Association (2014-2015 and 2013-14 terms); member of executive Council (2005 to 2017); Secretary (2011 to 2014) past Vice Chair of the MSBA’s Commercial and Employment ADR Committee (formerly Mediation Committee, 2007 to 2011)
- Member of Conflict Resolution Minnesota (2011 to 2019) and Association for Conflict Resolution (2013 to 2015)
- Member of the American Bar Association and the ABA Dispute Resolution Section (2009 to present)
- Elected Member of MSBA’s Governing Council for Labor and Employment Law Section (2007 to 2011)
- Administrative Hearing Officer for the City of Woodbury, MN (September 1999 to present)
- Volunteer mediator for the MN Department of Human Rights (2004 to 2019)
- Volunteer mediator for the Dispute Resolution Center, St. Paul (2004 to 2019)
- Volunteer mediator for Washington and Ramsey County Conciliation Courts (2004 to 2017)
- Volunteer mediator for Minneapolis Department of Civil Rights (2008 to present)
- Volunteer mediator for Better Business Bureau, St. Paul (2008 to 2020)
- Vice President and Secretary, US-China Peoples Friendship Association – Minnesota Chapter (USCPFA-MN)
- President and Co-Founder, The Minnesota China Friendship Garden Society (2005 to 2020)
- Minnesota
- California (inactive)
United States of America
Minnesota — Minneapolis/St. Paul
Willing to travel locally, statewide, nationally or internationally to offer ADR services
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